Jack Rinke
Solo pianist Jack Rinke makes his debut recording with the August 2001 release of SOLACE. Solace is an album of rare depth and unbridled emotion. Passionate performances are what Jack is all about. Jack clearly stands out as a live performer, but upon hearing this recording, you will know what we mean when we say that Jack Rinke has given America the music that their hearts have been asking for.

Jack Rinke - A Simple Noelle

"A Timeless & Mesmerizing Holiday Gift"

Song Samples
Traditional holiday favorites played with Jack's solo style, and a few new original tunes and carols. We're sure that this disc will instantly become one of your favorite Holiday CDs.

People have been asking Jack to record these beautiful melodies for a long time, and we are now proud to present this amazing collection of Jack's performances of such timeless music.

With the November, 2003 release, this CD will make a great Holiday gift. A great gift for you or for someone you care about.

Jack Rinke - Solace


Song Samples
That's what listeners have been saying from the very first day since Solace has become available. This recording will take you on an ever-changing journey with its energy and beautiful melodies. Hearing Jack plays his original compositions will take your breath away.

These pieces have needed to be recorded for some time. At long last Jack's most requested compositions - as well as his personal favorites - are now available for you to enjoy. The more you listen to each selection, the more details you hear!!

Get your copy today and you will understand what we mean when we say that Jack Rinke has given America the music their hearts have been asking for.